Milo Binx - Come To Mama - CD Cover

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Our debut album 'Come To Mama'
is Now Available!


CD Baby

“Give It Up“ from Come To Mama

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Milo Binx

What do three childhood friends from Hollywood and a girl from Kansas City have in common?  Love of music, talent, humor and Milo Binx. No one could have guessed that years later, collectively, they would have would have been responsible for touring, writing, producing and contributing to selling millions of records for some of the biggest names in the music industry.  Some people say that the music world needs a new voice, a bright shining light to look into, “real” music, with real instruments…  Milo Binx is the piece to a puzzle that has been called the music business…

Mayme Marshall, like so many, decided to come to Los Angeles to embark on a career in music.  Unlike so many, she was born singing like an R&B Angel…  Reincarnation is something that has been speculated for centuries…  Listening to her voice may quiet the debate.  Mayme arrived in Los Angeles in April of 2015 – Serendipity was on her side – She met Ty Stevens (Producer/Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist), after listening to her sing Ty new that he’d found the singer that he and his childhood friends had been looking for.  Monte McConnell, Rob Richman and Ty Stevens had started on a new project – Wanting to get back to their groove oriented roots and their love for all things Funk, Soul and R&B.  So it begins…

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